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ai content problems long term

4 Long-term AI content problems that will affect your website

As a content strategy agency specializing in planning and audits, we spend a lot of time fixing ineffective blogs.

In about a year from now (that is, in Spring 2024) we expect to see a lot of inquiries from businesses that are going heavy on AI writing tools now.

We’ve experimented with AI writing tools enough to confidently predict that there will be blood.

In fact, we will even launch a new service that helps fix the AI blogging mess.

Here’s why:

Read More »4 Long-term AI content problems that will affect your website
content marketing funnel waste of money

Your content marketing funnel may be a waste of money

Most businesses start blogging using the traditional content marketing funnel hoping that their clients will go through all the stages: Awareness -> Interest -> Consideration -> Evaluation -> Purchase.

They do it because a most content marketers suggest this generic strategy to them.

However, blogging along this funnel may result in a waste of time and money with mediocre and slow results.

Here’s why:Read More »Your content marketing funnel may be a waste of money

why your content marketing does not work - content marketing mistakes and fails

8 REAL reasons your content marketing does not work in 2022

So many businesses give up on content marketing and blogging just because it has not worked for them.

Yet so many are doing it because they’ve made mistakes that could’ve been easily avoided.

We’ve seen clients completely disillusioned by former content contractors, and each time we evaluate their sites and content strategy, we come across same old content marketing fails. Here’s a few.

Read More »8 REAL reasons your content marketing does not work in 2022

Customer Persona Creation Guide for Small Business Blogs

A customer persona is the foundational concept of digital marketing.

Once you know who your customers are, you can predict how, when, and where to look for them online.

Customer persona benefits for content planning and creation are also immense.

You need to be able to properly speak to your potential customers & cover topics they care about.

Blogging without a customer persona (or a “reader persona” as we call it) is one of the most common mistakes small businesses make.

On the other hand, creating a buyer persona from excessive imaginary data is no good either.

This short practical customer persona guide will explain how to create a buyer persona and build an effective small business blog and a website around it.

We’re including an effective customer persona template as well.

Read More »Customer Persona Creation Guide for Small Business Blogs