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ai content problems long term

4 Long-term AI content problems that will affect your website

As a content strategy agency specializing in planning and audits, we spend a lot of time fixing ineffective blogs.

In about a year from now (that is, in Spring 2024) we expect to see a lot of inquiries from businesses that are going heavy on AI writing tools now.

We’ve experimented with AI writing tools enough to confidently predict that there will be blood.

In fact, we will even launch a new service that helps fix the AI blogging mess.

Here’s why:

Read More »4 Long-term AI content problems that will affect your website
saas blogging case study

SaaS blogging for traffic and signups – a client case study

When we plan SaaS content strategy and map out clients’ target market interests, we need to account for all stages of buyer awareness.

We don’t necessarily have to start at the top of the funnel or follow specific publishing order, but we need to make sure every part of the audience is represented when we look for SaaS blog topics.

Here’s an example of an effective SaaS blog post we’ve created for one of our clients, PlanMan, a project management tool for architects.

Read More »SaaS blogging for traffic and signups – a client case study
can ai tools produce good content

Can AI produce good content?

This post has been about a month overdue. The recent ChatGPT craze gave way to thousands of articles claiming that AI tools will replace writers and start creating all the content.

The short answer to the question is: no, AI tools will not replace real writers, because they are unable to create quality, effective content.

Let’s dive in.

Read More »Can AI produce good content?
ceo hates blogging

7 Reasons CEOs hate blogging (a post that pisses marketers off)

I’ve been in all kinds of shoes regarding blogging.

I’ve been the writer that just gets a brief. I’ve been building briefs for writers. I’ve been convincing my CEO bosses to blog. I’ve been convincing co-founders to blog. I’ve come as a consultant to fix company blogs. 

I’ve seen underoptimized, neglected, overoptimized, genius, dumb, generic, and try-too-hard blogs.

Chances are, your boss hates to hear about blogs and blogging.

Chances are, it’s your fault too.

Read More »7 Reasons CEOs hate blogging (a post that pisses marketers off)
content marketing funnel waste of money

Your content marketing funnel may be a waste of money

Most businesses start blogging using the traditional content marketing funnel hoping that their clients will go through all the stages: Awareness -> Interest -> Consideration -> Evaluation -> Purchase.

They do it because a most content marketers suggest this generic strategy to them.

However, blogging along this funnel may result in a waste of time and money with mediocre and slow results.

Here’s why:Read More »Your content marketing funnel may be a waste of money

posts rank better than pages

5 Reasons blog posts rank better than service pages – and 6 ways to deal with it

We see this situation time and time again while working with our clients.

The carefully crafted, well-designed, conversion-optimized service pages that business owners and designers take pride in barely get any traffic.

At the same time “random” blog posts, knowledgebase articles, or PDF uploads pick a lot of diverse organic traffic from Google.

Most of our clients want to “fix” it immediately, but as we work together we find ways to actually amplify and leverage this effect.Read More »5 Reasons blog posts rank better than service pages – and 6 ways to deal with it