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saas blogging strategy post ideas

SaaS blog strategy – post ideas, best practices, and great SaaS blog examples

Blogging to promote a SaaS business is one of the best ways to get more signups and sell more subscriptions.

SaaS blogging can become a sustainable, long-term promotion strategy with the right blog strategy.

About 15% of all of our customers run SaaS businesses and we’ve helped turn their blogs from liabilities into assets.

Here’s a set of best SaaS blog strategy best practices that will make your SaaS blog finally work.

Read More »SaaS blog strategy – post ideas, best practices, and great SaaS blog examples

how often to audit content - signs you need an audit

5 BIG signs your business blog needs a content audit

An “audit” sounds scary, but it’s something that has to be done often.

You need to audit your finances, your relationships, your health, your car’s condition – and especially your blog content.

A web copy audit means you will eliminate the guesswork from your blogging and fine-tune your content strategy.

When you run a content audit you make sure you avoid spending too much on copywriting, ads, and SEO promotion, because effective content saves money.Read More »5 BIG signs your business blog needs a content audit

Customer Persona Creation Guide for Small Business Blogs

A customer persona is the foundational concept of digital marketing.

Once you know who your customers are, you can predict how, when, and where to look for them online.

Customer persona benefits for content planning and creation are also immense.

You need to be able to properly speak to your potential customers & cover topics they care about.

Blogging without a customer persona (or a “reader persona” as we call it) is one of the most common mistakes small businesses make.

On the other hand, creating a buyer persona from excessive imaginary data is no good either.

This short practical customer persona guide will explain how to create a buyer persona and build an effective small business blog and a website around it.

We’re including an effective customer persona template as well.

Read More »Customer Persona Creation Guide for Small Business Blogs

content planning for websites and blogs

Content planning for websites and blogs

If you’ve landed on this page, you’ve probably heard of content planning.

This post will give you an overview of different kinds of content planning by type, purpose and technique.

Let’s touch upon the basics of content marketing and types of text content as well. After all, getting a content plan is absolutely crucial if you want to maximize the performance of your website and turn it into a lead generation machine.

Dive right in?Read More »Content planning for websites and blogs

blogging mistakes that are bad for seo

Your SEO sucks because of these blogging mistakes

Most website owners see SEO as a complicated specific activity, that requires a large contract and a dedicated agency-level support.

Blogging, however, is viewed as a simple process that’s easy to do.

However, a blog is a powerful SEO tool that can both bring you tons of organic SEO traffic and hold your site down in Google’s result pages.

Here’s a list of the most common blogging mistakes we’ve seen our clients do over and over again. Avoid these and stay consistent with your blogging – and you will see more and more organic traffic and leads on your site.Read More »Your SEO sucks because of these blogging mistakes