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How to spend less on blog content and minimize costs – without hiring cheaper writers

Most small businesses owners confess to us that blogging is too costly for them.

Many give up blogging for the same reason – it’s a waste of cash that brings no results.

Yet when we audit their content strategy we find all and the same ways they can bring their blog content costs down.

If you give up blogging because it’s too expensive, you will never realize your site’s traffic and lead generation potential.

In other words, if you do not know how to save money on content, your website does not work.

Instead, you need to be smart about blogging and minimize your content creation and marketing costs.

Read More »How to spend less on blog content and minimize costs – without hiring cheaper writers

how often to audit content - signs you need an audit

5 BIG signs your business blog needs a content audit

An “audit” sounds scary, but it’s something that has to be done often.

You need to audit your finances, your relationships, your health, your car’s condition – and especially your blog content.

A web copy audit means you will eliminate the guesswork from your blogging and fine-tune your content strategy.

When you run a content audit you make sure you avoid spending too much on copywriting, ads, and SEO promotion, because effective content saves money.Read More »5 BIG signs your business blog needs a content audit