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posts rank better than pages

5 Reasons blog posts rank better than service pages – and 6 ways to deal with it

We see this situation time and time again while working with our clients.

The carefully crafted, well-designed, conversion-optimized service pages that business owners and designers take pride in barely get any traffic.

At the same time “random” blog posts, knowledgebase articles, or PDF uploads pick a lot of diverse organic traffic from Google.

Most of our clients want to “fix” it immediately, but as we work together we find ways to actually amplify and leverage this effect.Read More »5 Reasons blog posts rank better than service pages – and 6 ways to deal with it

planning website content

Planning website content the 2023 way

Planning website content is the website development stage that can make or break your whole project.

A poorly planned website performs poorly no matter how much money you spend promoting it later.

Links don’t work as well as they should, conversion rate is mediocre, and user experience is so bad that it makes people look for alternatives.

Here’s how to plan website content to make sure your website is scalable, powerful, and profitable.

Read More »Planning website content the 2023 way

content plan creation for pbn sites

How to Build a PBN that works – with proper content planning

Private blog networks are a powerful SEO tool.

No matter what anyone says or writes – a proper PBN always gives any site an advantage over competitors.

The only thing that matters is that the network is really PRIVATE – that is, yours, and yours only.

If you can buy PBN links – that BN is not P at all, you know?

This post will explain how you can make an effective private blog network using content planning.

If you wish to get ahead of any competition with a bulletproof asset that is a PBN – read on.

Read More »How to Build a PBN that works – with proper content planning